Ten unbelievable facts about technology

Ten unbelievable facts about technology

Ten unbelievable facts about technology

There are quite a million fun facts about technology that so many people are oblivious of. Despite the fact that their daily routine is always engrossed in technology but some facts are still hidden to them. Join me in this fun filled cruise as we explore the ten most interesting of them all; I call them “The Ten Do You Knows of Technology” 

1. Google don’t mow Their grasses: Wait, hold on, does it mean that Google's environs is growing into bushes, well no Google has a tradition of hiring goats to do that; “Goats!” Your heard me right “Goats”, A herder brings about 200 goats which eats up the grasses at their mountain headquarters, The herder is called Jen. it’s one thing to loose your work to a more proficient worker, another to lose your work to a robot but losing your work to goats is really on a different whole level, I guess I will just mind my business and move to the next “do you know”.

2. The Browser should be firepander and not firefox: Yea you think I’m crazy but hear me out first, the animal in the logo of firefox , have you looked at it critically oh yes your vision isn’t so right because you’re seeing a fox, it isn’t a fox as you imagined, it’s actually a cute panda, so maybe the company saw that it looked like a fox just the way you saw it hence they chose to name their company” firefox” but I think if they want to be true to the animal they should change the company’s name to firepanda’’ please don’t quote me, I’m just writing a blog. 

3. Before now your tiny muscles can’t lift a megabyte size storage: okay, I know I’m sounding cocky but please just hear me out before you curse me out, I’m not saying you’re a sissy , how strong are you to carry hundreds of pounds because prior to now megabytes storages weigh hundreds of pounds. Let me help you with a little conversion, 100 pounds is a little over 45kg, now you get my point, well lucky enough you can now pocket over 10 terabytes in a small flash drive thank heavens for modern inventions, but I bet you if not for the improvements in technology, it would take over 50 hefty men to lift a 100mb storage that can’t even contain one music video.

4.No, your Iphone didn’t vibrate you have a syndrome: Oh boy I’m in deep mess, you must be offended, but you know, you need to relax and let me explain. Most times we have the feeling that our Iphone vibrated but in real sense, there was no vibration whatsoever, that feeling is called “Phantom vibrating Syndrome (PVS)” Research do have it that it is as result of being attached to your Iphone at all times, hmm who is not attached to his Iphone at all times. Let’s move to number 5.

5. Some countries never used landlines but are now using phones: How did countries like Nigeria and Ghana didn’t use landlines and suddenly they’re using phones, were they too big for the landline that looked like a relic and were they waiting for something sophisticated as apple, galaxy and android, no , not that, these countries were not having enough resources to afford the expensive landline hence only about 1% of the population afforded the landlines but right now phones are everywhere in these countries. Once again thanks to the changing wave of technology

6. There are more people having phones than houses: well I think you’d probably believe me on this fact, okay let’s start with you, you’re having about two to three phones and funny enough you don’t even have a house, you’re living with your father who has perhaps three phones summing it up to five phones and one house a ratio of 5:1 now you certainly get the logic.

7. We’ve all been using digital currency before digital currency: It’s not as if I’m a little bit intoxicated, you know typing the phrase “digital currency before digital currency” looked weird” but don’t blame me it’s reality, we all believe that the advent of crypto currency was the beginning of digital currency but sorry digital currency has to do with making transactions without tangible or fiat currency, and we have been doing that with debit, credit cards and USSD codes long before crypto currency came on board, I think I’d leave you with the statistics that at least 92% of the word currency is digital so digital currency has always been there before digital currency came to be; oh that still sounds horrible but let’s just move on. 

8. Android should only be used by males: Yeah, Yeah it looks as if I’m trying to be gender specific once again, well not me, the word “android” itself brought about the gender specificity because literally, android simply means a human with male robotic appearance. The feminine version of android is called a Gynoid so if you leave me I’d suggest we build a gynoid for females whilst the male enjoy the awesomeness of android. Frankly I wonder what the gynoid would look like. Anyways that’s that let’s jump.

9. 72, 00 0 viruses are created in a year: The number had risen from the early fifties; more viruses are created for computers each day, 72,000 viruses in a year, then how many computers are created in a year. It’s quite scary, let’s just do the math together, shall we? 72,000 viruses in a year that is 6,000 viruses in a month that is 200 viruses are built each day and 8 viruses every hour. I know I’m a math genius but the real geniuses are the ones producing 8 viruses in a single hour, by the time you must have finished reading this post, boom! 4 viruses have been launched depending on your reading speed though.

10 Technology is a monster to some people: most people are scared of horror movies, some goblins, some other guns; oh I forgot I’m scared of ants, but the funniest people are the people that are scared of technology. Most people dread technology as you dread standing by the graveyard by 12 in the A.M such people are called technophobia, that is they are said to be technophobic. You do enjoy browsing with your smart phones but someone is out there thinking that a smart phone is another monster from the chasms of hell. The world is indeed a tale of its own.

There are quite million fun facts about technology, but I’ll stop here. But feel free to add some more in the comment box. And I’d really want to know the fact that thrilled you the most, show me you are not technophobic and type something in the comment section. I’ll definitely reply.



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