Virtual Reality; A fantasy comes to life
A portal has been opened; a medium that enables interaction between the world of artificial intelligence, robotics and mankind. Virtual reality is no doubt the peak of technological disruption to the daily routine of the human race.
A world where you can sit face to face and communicate with someone who is sited 2000 miles away and the environment displays that you both are in the same room, a 3D gaming innovation; you don’t need to hold joysticks anymore and view the screen. Now with V.R, you and gaming reality become all in one, you can kick as many robots as possible because you all are sucked up in an environment designed by technological manipulations which gives you the unique ability to interact with gaming characters same way you interact with humans as you also become one of the characters; this is not a fantasy this is the point at which we have arrived aided by technology and our quest to exhaust the inexhaustible and erase the remaining traces of the thin line drawn by word ‘’impossibility”
Virtual Reality
This is a near reality experience, an environment created in a 3 Dimensional format where all that appears in the environment seems so real and this gives the user the feeling that they are part of the created environment, this is as a result of the fact that they can make use of their sensory organs; feeling, hearing, speech and smell in the VR generated environment. It is a simulated experience that tends to be same or different from the real world. The history of virtual reality though difficult to state exactly can still be dated to the works of Morton Helig in 1950s when he wrote an article titled “Theater Experience” this he said will involve all the senses and draw the user to be one of the characters in onscreen activities.
In 1968 Ivan Sutherland and his students aided by Bob Sproull created the very first Head Mounted Display system which is the tool for the immersive 3D application.
Current applications of VR
The usage of virtual reality in the modern times is rising, so many companies have refused to lag behind in utilizing this awesome technology , even individuals have also queued in into this come to life fantasy and V.R has lived up to expectation
1. Most global businesses have dumped the usage of the boring video calls and have migrated to using V.R in their meetings. Using visual reality, they create a customizable meeting rooms where the colleagues in different locations of the world all wearing a Head mounted display, it will seem as if all of them are in one physical room.
2. Visual Reality has been used to develop an educational learning environment where students learn and acquire skills as if it is in the real world without interacting with the real world. This is very suitable in building the students because in the visual world, the student is never afraid of failing.
3. Military department have engaged the wonder of V.R in training their soldiers to have real life war experience without going to the battle field. But all the scenes of the battle field is brought to the visual world; this has proven to be more effective than physical combat which have chances of leading to loss of life.
4. Visual reality has found its domestic application in gaming where the gamer experiences a 3D gaming effect, he becomes a character in his own game rather than viewing the character from a screen
5. Visual Reality also found usage in medicine as it has been employed in the rehabilitation of aged persons. The aged person is given an opportunity to stimulate activities in the visual world which he cannot carry out in the real world due to age and weakness. This has succeeded in making old age look less boring than it should have been.
6. The immersive technology has provided a rare portal for driving learning simulations, engineering practices, architectural designing, surgery practices, flight simulations and so on. The fun of the matter is that all these are practiced in a harm free environment as it brings life event that has nothing to do with real life.
Concerns About The Technology
V.R as nice and awesome as it seems, it also drove into our world with its own demons and monster. The so many challenges accompanying this immersive technology have proven to be a limitation to its total acceptance.
Due to its immersive nature, Physical accidents have been experienced at sundry times because the user is totally immersed in the virtual world that he loses consciousness of reality. Tripping over and colliding with other objects in the real world has proven to be regular occurrence.
And secondly when an individual is constantly exposed to virtual environment, such individual experiences symptoms as headache, stomach discomfort and drowsiness and because of the closeness of the visual Headset to the eye the user is likely to experience eye defect.
In as much as it looks like VR is being limited because of the uncertainties surrounding its future, notwithstanding there is still hope and more to see in this technology because so many countries are driving in their resources to ensure that this fantasy that turned into reality becomes a safe haven for everyone.
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