Ten Most Difficult Programming Languages You Don’t Know About

Ten Most Difficult Programming Languages You Don’t Know About

Ten Most Difficult Programming Languages You Don’t Know About

Most Difficult Programming Languages 

If you are a programmer, then you will understand that programming is not as easy as eating a cheesecake. Hold on, I’m not a programmer, but I remember trying to become one, and to be frank, I got stuck on CSS.

I gave up on the programming career and stuck to writing, which I believe is easier than sitting behind my apple laptop whilst typing 0’s and 1’s.

CSS that bullied me back in the days is not even a programming language, but a cascading styling sheet.

Now, what about the real programming languages, not even just the real ones but the most difficult programming languages? 

Let’s talk about them; the ten most difficult programming languages. If you are a programmer you can be the judge and if you are a writer like me or just a   reader, these languages can make you run mad and I mean physically mad.

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Ten Most Difficult Programming Languages 

#1. BrainF*ck

The name alone tells you we are not talking about a language for kids, brainf*ck is a daylight nightmare even to the best of programmers.

Urban Müller is the mad designer that introduced it in 1993 as a language that might be implemented by a very tiny compiler to entertain the programmer. They say the code was designed to hurt, you don’t smile coding with brainf*ck even if you are a maniac.

The language employs only eight commands and an instruction pointer, each of which is composed of a single character, making it a very minimalistic language. In all sincerity, I don't even understand this explanation, perhaps I'll show you a brainf*ck code for you to understand how f*cked brainf*ck is.

One of the simplest things to write as a beginner in coding is the “Hello Word”. Very easy in HTML and even in python. But as simple as ‘Hello Word’ is, you write it differently in Brainf*ck.

If you’re writing it brainf*ck, you will have something like this:



Okay, I don’t know what the above means because I copied it from somewhere to show you how crazy the programming language is. So brainf*ck f*cked its way to becoming the first of the ten most difficult programming languages you know or don’t know about.

#2. Shakespeare 

Sure you know Shakespeare; the renowned English poet, playwright, and actor born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. You know how difficult it is to understand most of his writings. Wait a bit, let’s quote excerpts from Shakespeare first before I tell you about the programming code of Shakespeare.

“’Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O! Be some other name” [Romeo and Juliet]

“‘Full fathom five thy father lies, of his bones are coral made. Those are pearls that were his eyes. Nothing of him that doth fade, but doth suffer a sea-change into something rich and strange.’ [The Tempest]. 

Enough of Shakespeare of blessed memory now permit me to introduce Shakespeare as one of the most difficult programming languages.

The goal of Jon Aslund and Karl Hesselstörm was to create a programming language that did not appear like on hence he made Shakespeare. In this scenario, the source code resembles a Shakespeare play. Variable names must be inspired by Shakespearean characters, while constants are determined by positive or negative nouns.

As usual, I don’t know what I just explained above, maybe an example will help you understand how excruciating this code is.

The simple Hello World, now let us look at it in Shakespeare’s code 

Line 1: The Hello World Program. 

Lin 2:

Line 3: Romeo, a young man with remarkable patience. 

Line 4: Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace.

Line 5: Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet.

Line 6:




Okay, I don’t know what’s really going on here, let’s just go over to the next programming language because Shakespeare is about driving his spear to my little sanity.


The LOL I know means Laughing Out Loudly, but this programming language gives the coder little or absolutely no reason to laugh.

Lolcode is composed of lolspeak, the 'language' of lolcats. Adam Linsday, a researcher at Lancaster University's Computer Department, created the language in 2007.

The language isn't as full as traditional ones, with syntax and operator priority unclear, although there are working compilers for it.

Just writing ‘Hello World’ in lolcode means you're to write the below;

  1. HAI 1.2
  2. VISIBLE "Hello, World!"

#4. Malbolge


This among the most difficult programming languages. You don't trust me? No need for many talks, just h ave a peek at the code below!

Here is the output of “Hello World” in Malbolge is (=`#9]~67Y32Vx/4Rs+0No-&Jk"Fh}|Bcy?


If you want to go into the very gritty of this language, it actually stands for "bad ditches"!

In 1998, Ben Olmstead introduced this public domain esolang. It takes its name from Dante's Inferno's eighth circle of hell.


Do you know what makes Malebolge so difficult to use? Malebolge's code is self-altering. The best job of this obscure language is to make developing programs as difficult as possible.

#5. Chef

Just as the name sounds, the language Chef is created by David Morgan-Mar to like a cooking recipe.

This code's design concept is that the output should not only be correct, but also simple to create and delicious, recipes to appeal to chefs on a variety of budgets and the recipes must be metric.

In other words, the recipes must both function as code and be made and consumed.

Let’s bake “Hello World” in chef

Hello World Cake with Chocolate sauce.


This prints hello world, while being tastier than Hello World Souffle. The main

chef makes a " world!" cake, which he puts in the baking dish. When he gets the

sous chef to make the "Hello" chocolate sauce, it gets put into the baking dish

and then the whole thing is printed when he refrigerates the sauce. When

actually cooking, I'm interpreting the chocolate sauce baking dish to be

separate from the cake one and Liquify to mean either melt or blend depending on context.



33 g chocolate chips

100 g butter

54 ml double cream

2 pinches baking powder

114 g sugar

111 ml beaten eggs

119 g flour

32 g cocoa powder

0 g cake mixture




The code continues, but you can meet a programmer to complete the coding. Now, you get the point that chef is one of the most difficult programming languages. 

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#6. reMorse

I don’t really have any remorse for not learning this programming language, I can’t handle brain fag.

reMorse is a programming language designed by Ryan Kusnery that looks like Morse code. There are just four commands: dot (. ), dotty (. Followed by a space), dash (-), and dasher (- followed by a space)

Below is an incomplete sample of “Hello World”

1 - - -..-…-.- - -.;newline

2 - - -.-.-..-.-…-.- - -.;!

3 - - -…-..-.- - -. ; d

4 - - - - …-.- - -.;l

5 - - - -. .-…- - -.;r

6 - - - -.-…- - -.;o

7 ----…-.-..-.---.;w

Oh boy, I just need to stop because this doesn’t make sense to me so I have to move on to the 7th out of the most difficult programming languages.

#7. LISP

 Lisp has a distinctive, completely parenthesized prefix notation and a lengthy history. The second-oldest high-level programming language that is still widely used is Lisp, which John McCarthy introduced in 1958. Only Fortran is a year older.

Instead of commands and subroutines, expressions and functions make up the majority of the language's overall structure. You should be aware that every Lisp expression has a return value and that every Lisp procedure is a function that, when called, returns a data object as its value.

Take a look at the below LISP code

;;; HWorld.lsp

;;; ================================================== ;;;

;;; =========== HELLO WORLD SIMULATION ============== ;;;

;;; ================================================== ;;;

;;; This function simply returns the string Hello World that is in quotes.



#8. Zombie 

I don’t want to talk about Zombie, but I have to. Zombie is not just one of the most difficult programming language but a language of the dead.

Programming in Zombie is intended for those who use magic and communicate with the dead.

It enables its programmers to create programs that can animate corpses, command spirits, and address computational issues.

It is guaranteed not to overwrite system memory or send harmful data into the environment.

Entity declarations are the shape that zombie takes. Syntax mistakes are quite harmful in this language.

We can write "Hello World" in zombie language if you want to.


1 HelloWorld is a zombie 

2 Summon 

3  task sayHello

4  say “Hello, World!”

5  animate

6  animate 

#9. Haskel

Almost 32 years ago, in 1990, Haskel made its debut. Haskel is a statically typed, entirely functional, general-purpose programming language. Haskell has pioneered a number of programming language innovations, such as type classes, which enable type-safe operator overloading. Haskell was first developed for education, research, and industry uses. The Glasgow Haskell Compiler is a prominent Haskell implementation (GHC). It bears the name Haskell Curry, a logician.

While Haskell is still being expanded through language extensions by GHC, the latest official specification of the language was made in July 2010.

A basic "Hello, World!" program in Haskell can be expressed concisely as seen below:

main :: IO ()

main = putStrLn "Hello, World!

#10. BIT

The last but definitely by no chance the easiest in the list of most difficult programming languages is BIT.

Bit is a potent low-level programming language that grants full access to any data in its ASCII implementation to the programmer.

Compared to high-level languages that use specialized functions for abstract data types, data manipulation is less difficult. Bit has two different types of data: bit and address-of-a-bit.

Printing "Hello World" in BIT language using the following example:






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The essence of this article is not to discourage you from learning any of these programming languages, in fact, it is just based on my categorization. That I consider them as the most difficult programming languages doesn’t mean you can’t succeed in them. So here we have the ten of them, if you have any language you think should be in this list, you can drop in the comment section below.





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